This may help you with intellisense and Visual Studio problems:
Likely, if you have appeared here to this page you are having the problem I had for the past hour or so. Intellisense is not working in Visual Studio. Well lucky for you, I figured out the solution to fix this issue after searching the entire web. So you don’t have to search the web anymore, I will tell you how I fixed the issue.
Step 1:
Close Visual Studio
Step 2:
In Unity, go to Edit < Preferences < External Tools (left part of the Window)
Step 3:
In External Tools go to the part that sa…
Also, try update the VSCode package inside of Unity: Window → Package Manager → Search for Visual Studio Code Editor → Press the Update button
Also, this: No suggestions in Vscode
Remember, Visual Studios is irrelevant to Unity. You can actually edit all your files in notepad or any other text editor. What the solution or project says is irrelevant. Unity is the actual compiler used.
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