Cannot build for android with facebook sdk -- Unity 5.4.0f3

I tried to build my project for android with the latest Unity 5.4.0f3. After I import the newest Facebook Unity SDK, it cannot be built anymore and throws this error :

Failed to compile resources with the
following parameters:
-bootclasspath “/Users/jing/Library/Android/sdk/platforms/android-24/android.jar”
-d “/Users/jing/Documents/Git/HexCrash/HexCrash/Temp/StagingArea/bin/classes”
-source 1.6 -target 1.6 -encoding UTF-8 “android/support/v4/”
“com/facebook/android/” warning:
major version 52 is newer than 51, the
highest major version supported by
this compiler. It is recommended
that the compiler be upgraded.
major version 52 is newer than 51, the
highest major version supported by
this compiler. It is recommended
that the compiler be upgraded. 2


I know this one must be some conflicts among android native jar files but have no idea how to fix it. Does anyone know how to fix this?

I just solved the problem myself. I updated my android sdk and jdk to the latest ones (25.1.7 and 8u102), and after this, build, made it.

Hope this can help someone~