Cannot build in xcode with NGO

I believe this to be a bug, or maybe I’m doing something wrong, so hopefully someone can help.
I’m using Unity 2022.3.20f, Xcode 14.3.1.
I recently added NGO with relay and lobby services to my project. Since then I have been unable to create a iOS build. I have tried several methods, including creating from a Windows PC and then moving using cocoa pods and building in Xcode, as well as my MacBook building, then going to Xcode but I always get the same errors.

“…/…/il2cppOutput/Assembly-CSharp__5.cpp:16487:9 no matching function for call to 'NetworkBehaviour___beginSendRpc_mD9AE8C915F9ECD278DAF43F4A0FA318DEE1851D1”

“…/build/Il2CppOutputProject/Source/il2cppOutput/Assembly-CSharp__5.cpp:16497:3 no matching function for call to ‘NetworkBehaviour___endSendRpc_mF8317FAAFD02F96495DF44EFAED5F1DEB716465E’”

I haven’t been able to find anything online, so any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks for any help :slight_smile:

For anyone that is curious, I found this:

Seems like it should get fixed soon and published as an update in netcode for game objects.