I’m trying to create my first Unity UWP game. I have set the minimum and target versions in Unity to 10.0.18… and built. I’ve then opened the output UWP project folder and opened in Visual Studio 2019 the game.sln project where I’ve set the project property’s Min and Target versions to 10.0.18 (right-click ionAXXIA Universal Windows and select properties), and then performed a Publish > Create App Packages. When I upload my packages, I’m told:
Package acceptance validation error: ionAXXIA_0.7.603.0_Win32_Master.msix is not valid. You cannot upload msix/msixbundle/msixupload packages that targets Windows MinVersion <= 10.0.17134.0.
How do I set the target version?
Windows Store supports two package formats: .appx/.appxbundle/.appxupload (original Windows Store package format) and .msix/.msixbundle/.msixupload (introduced with Windows version 10.0.17763). It makes sense that it doesn’t let you upload the newer format when you have min SDK version set to a lower version, however, what I am confused about is how you managed to get the newer format package created in the first place. I just tested when you described and it created .appxbundle for me. Could you walk me through the package creation process you went through (preferably with screenshots)?
The problem was MinVersion was set to “” in the manifest. I was only aware of this when I opened the manifest in a text editor - the default manifest editor doesn’t actually show the Min and Target versions.
There may be a bug in either Unity or VS not updating the manifest when a target is selected. It’s weird that there are two different places to set these, the Unity build settings and the VS solution properties.
Another thing worth trying for anyone else having difficulties is to delete the project and rebuild from scratch.
Well, I’m glad you figured this out. This is a weird issue for sure.