Cannot build webGL when Multiplay Package installed


I am working on a multiplayer game on WebGL and I want to use Game Server Hosting service as the server. However, after I installed the multiply package from the package manager, errors occur and WebGL is failed to built.

then I created a empty project and the project can be successfully built as WebGL of course. However, after I downloaded the multiplay package from the package manager, WebGL is still failed to built.

Is it possible to build a WebGL with multiplay package installed?

Sounds like a bug. You should send a bug report with your test case.

Also be sure to check if there’s a newer version of either the package or the editor (use the latest patch version).

Be sure to use an LTS version or Unity 6 as all others (ie 2022.2 or Unity 6 beta) are unsupported.

Raised it up with the team. Someone’s looking into it.

It works now after upgraded my unity to 2022.3.38f1, thanks!