Cannot call function inside COMMAND function

Hello everyone,

Since two days, i’m completely stuck on my problem. I have a mage that have to cast a spell. My code work on the “client/host” side but not on the “client only” side. And if a create a “server only” and connect to it as a “client only” the code doesn’t work too on the “client only” side. Here’s my code, i’m probably missing something… :frowning:

Here is the code of “FireMageSpellController.cs” (NetworkBehaviour)

void Update()
if (Input.GetButtonDown ("Spell1"))
            InvokeSpell ();
if (Input.GetButtonDown ("Fire1"))
                pAtt.currentMana -= currentSpellCost;
                placingSpell = false;
                CmdCastSpell ();

    public void CmdCastSpell()
        if (spell_type == SPELL_TYPE.FIRERAIN)
            animator.SetTrigger ("Attack");
            NetworkServer.Spawn (spellTemp);
            FM_FireRain fr = spellTemp.GetComponent<FM_FireRain> ();
            fr.RpcStartSpell ();
            nextFireRainCastTime = Time.time + fr.acd;
    void InvokeSpell()
        if (!CooldownFireRain ())
            playerInfo.text = "Fire Rain spell is not ready. (" + (int)(nextFireRainCastTime - Time.time) + ")";
            timeDisableInfo = Time.time + 5f;
        playerInfo.enabled = false;
        spell_type = SPELL_TYPE.FIRERAIN;
        currentSpellCost = firerain.GetComponent<FM_FireRain> ().manaCost;
        if (currentSpellCost > pAtt.currentMana)
        if (!placingSpell)
            placingSpell = true;
            spellTemp = Instantiate (firerain, GetMousePosition (), Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;

Then, the code of my prefabs “FM_FireRain.cs” (NetworkBehaviour)

    public void RpcStartSpell()
        isEnable = true;
        GetComponent<BoxCollider> ().enabled = true;
        particle.SetActive (true);
        Destroy (gameObject, lifeTime);

My prefabs is register on the NetworkManager. And his structure is like this :
→ SpellBoundary (FM_FireRain, Box Collider, Network Identity, Network Transform)
→ FireRain (particle system)
→ SpellPlacer (particle system)

My problem is:
When i click on “Spell1” Button, i saw my object (SpellPlacer particle system). But when i click on “Fire1” button, my particle system (FireRain) doesn’t appear (despite ‘particle.SetActive(true)’ on RpcStartSpell())
It work on the “client/host” side, but not on a remote client…

Thanks for your help.

InvokeSpell isn’t being called on the server. Its only called on the client-side currently