Hello everyone,
Since two days, i’m completely stuck on my problem. I have a mage that have to cast a spell. My code work on the “client/host” side but not on the “client only” side. And if a create a “server only” and connect to it as a “client only” the code doesn’t work too on the “client only” side. Here’s my code, i’m probably missing something…
Here is the code of “FireMageSpellController.cs” (NetworkBehaviour)
void Update()
if (Input.GetButtonDown ("Spell1"))
InvokeSpell ();
if (Input.GetButtonDown ("Fire1"))
pAtt.currentMana -= currentSpellCost;
placingSpell = false;
CmdCastSpell ();
public void CmdCastSpell()
if (spell_type == SPELL_TYPE.FIRERAIN)
animator.SetTrigger ("Attack");
NetworkServer.Spawn (spellTemp);
FM_FireRain fr = spellTemp.GetComponent<FM_FireRain> ();
fr.RpcStartSpell ();
nextFireRainCastTime = Time.time + fr.acd;
void InvokeSpell()
if (!CooldownFireRain ())
playerInfo.text = "Fire Rain spell is not ready. (" + (int)(nextFireRainCastTime - Time.time) + ")";
timeDisableInfo = Time.time + 5f;
playerInfo.enabled = false;
currentSpellCost = firerain.GetComponent<FM_FireRain> ().manaCost;
if (currentSpellCost > pAtt.currentMana)
if (!placingSpell)
placingSpell = true;
spellTemp = Instantiate (firerain, GetMousePosition (), Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;
Then, the code of my prefabs “FM_FireRain.cs” (NetworkBehaviour)
public void RpcStartSpell()
isEnable = true;
GetComponent<BoxCollider> ().enabled = true;
particle.SetActive (true);
Destroy (gameObject, lifeTime);
My prefabs is register on the NetworkManager. And his structure is like this :
→ SpellBoundary (FM_FireRain, Box Collider, Network Identity, Network Transform)
→ FireRain (particle system)
→ SpellPlacer (particle system)
My problem is:
When i click on “Spell1” Button, i saw my object (SpellPlacer particle system). But when i click on “Fire1” button, my particle system (FireRain) doesn’t appear (despite ‘particle.SetActive(true)’ on RpcStartSpell())
It work on the “client/host” side, but not on a remote client…
Thanks for your help.