I appreciate any help. I cannot connect to any of my UVCS repos. I create a repo in unity devops, then i use unity hub “Add UVCS repository” and nothing shows up on the list. Nothing. There is no help online, no documentation to help me with this process (which I personally hate tbh). Nothing. Just meanigless emptiness.
Please help.
And now im seeing “Cannot connect to the unity cvs server” inside plastic desktop gui, what is going on? Is it stable at all? Or shall I ditch unity cloud and devops in favor of git or something else what simply works?
I cannot view remote repositiories using either unity plastic desktop or unity hub. It simply says that remote server is not available. What shall I do now?
This what I end up with when trying to create new workspace:

Im seriously fed up with this already…
It seems unity cannot load any of my remote project, its just useless…
I managed to access my repository with unity plastic desktop app but still cannot make it to be visible in unity hub. Is there any point of having a repo there without using it with unity ide itself? I have some doubts.
Are you signed in with the right account in the hub? If yes, try signing out and back in again. And/or reboot.
Yes, im signed with correct account (I have just a single one), tried logging out already - didnt do the trick.
You know what… i will go with git…
Just got 500 error from unity cloud.
Thanks for this kind of avaiability …
When i click “Send feedback” in unity hub i being redirected to unity hub roadmap, makes perfect sense…
Check the Hub‘s log file. Perhaps something (firewall? proxy?) is preventing access.
Since you can work with the dashboard on the web it seems the services are available/online, just not accessible from within the Hub on your machine. If you can test on another computer or other network try that.
The error „remote host closed the socket“ is actually an indicator that the issue is on your system (despite the message suggesting otherwise).
Do you have any so-called security software (aka malware-in-disguise that urges you to pay for it) installed that may filter Internet traffic? Or an over aggressive DNS/hosts Adblocker? Conservative if not rigid network security settings on the machine or router?