Hello I am trying to instantiate a player into a scene and my code is throwing the following error
Error CS1503 Argument 1: cannot convert from ‘double’ to ‘float’ Pornstar Fighters D:\New folder\Pornstar Fighters\Assets\Scripts\ButtonAction.cs 18
I am kind of lost here as well I am still kind of new to the API and learning, could any one possibly lead me in the right direction on how to fix this? Code is below.
public void Character1()
player1 = GetComponent<GameObject>();
SceneManager.LoadScene ("Sky city scene lite", LoadSceneMode.Single);
Instantiate(player1, new Vector3(-40.10,23,44.51), Quaternion.identity);
There are three kinds of decimal numbers in C#. There is the decimal, which is very slow but very precise; the double, which is much faster but not as precise; and the float, which is even faster and less precise.
By default, if you just type the number -40.10 in your code, C# will give you a double. But Vector3() takes three float arguments, so you need to tell it you want a float.
You do this with the letter f after your number: -40.10f
If you wanted a decimal, you would use a letter m: -40.10m
And if you wanted to very clearly state you wanted a double, you would use d: -40.10d
Those last two also trip people up, because if -40.10 is a double, and you want a decimal… it only makes sense to say -40.10d, right? Wrong. -40.10m is the right way to declare a decimal constant. But neither of those matter much in Unity, because we use float for almost everything.
So what you need is to change the Vector3 constructor call:
new Vector3( -40.10f, 23f, 44.51f )
Thank you So Much cdarklock, That fixed it. I need to keep that in mind for next time