Unity5.3.4f1 + VS2015 Enterprice Update1 + Windows 10 Professional + Windows10 SDK 10.0.10586.212
What if you create it without password, also a guess, maybe you’re publisher id is too short.
Additionally you can also create certificate Visual Studio (when creating Universal app manually), then simply copy it to your Unity project, and select it.
This seems to have nothing to do publisher id and password , I have to copy .pfx file form new Universal app project to solve the problem , maybe it’s a unity’s bug!
Can you attach Editor.log, maybe it contains more info why it failed to create the certificate,
2614044–183374–Editor.txt (23.8 KB)
Hmph, there’s not much info in the log as well, just in case:
- do you have antivirus running? try disabling it and see if it helps
- is your Unity project directory marked as readonly.?
We’ll try to improve error message NULL != certificate in the future. But to be sure, you can still manually select the certificate, right? So it’s no blocking you?