Cannot destroy instantiated objects

So i made a bullet which shoots forwards, but the bullet wont destroy itslef after a set amount of time. Can anyone tell me where i’m going worong?

Here’s the code i’m currently using

var prefabBullet:Transform;
var shootForce:float;
var destroyTimeMin:float;
var destroyTimeMax:float;

function Update()
		var instanceBullet = Instantiate(prefabBullet, transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
		instanceBullet.rigidbody.AddForce(transform.forward * shootForce);
		Destroy(instanceBullet, Random.Range(destroyTimeMin, destroyTimeMax));


I have a suspicious that since instanceBullet is a transform, you are trying to destroy the component, not the gameobject. I normally save prefabs as GameObjects, but if you do nto want to make thatchange then simply do…

Destroy(instanceBullet.gameObject, Random.Range(destroyTimeMin, destroyTimeMax));

or change it all to …

var prefabBullet:GameObject;
var shootForce:float;
var destroyTimeMin:float;
var destroyTimeMax:float;
function Update()
       var instanceBullet = Instantiate(prefabBullet, transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
       instanceBullet.rigidbody.AddForce(transform.forward * shootForce);
       Destroy(instanceBullet, Random.Range(destroyTimeMin, destroyTimeMax));

Hey - total newb here. One thing I noticed about the above solution - simply adding the "var newVariableName = " in front of [ye olde instantiation code] gives one a handle with which to manipulate the instantiated entity (not just Destroy(), any number of tweaks become available). I learned to instantiate stuff by simply using Instantiate(), so the “var =” bucket opened up a whole new world for me. Totally diggin’ it!
