Hello everyone,
I am currently facing the issue regarding ads not loading if the internet connection is not available on application startup. Unity version is 5.3.4f1
I tried to use the workaround described here and here. Unfortunately I am unable to disable the auto-initialization of UnityAds… I have created the UnityAdsBuildProcessor script, placed it in the Editor folder and copy/pasted the following code inside:
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.Callbacks;
using UnityEditor.Advertisements;
public class UnityAdsBuildProcessor : Editor
public static void OnPostprocessScene()
AdvertisementSettings.enabled = true;
AdvertisementSettings.initializeOnStartup = false;
throw new System.ArgumentException();
I even threw an exception to make sure this code is being executed. The console output is the one shown in the attached file… The Ads are initialized and only afterwards the exception is thrown (I assume the Ads are initialized before the code disabling Auto-initialization is executed).
Any ideas on how to solve this issue?
Thank you and Best Regards,