Cannot display multiple objects in ARCore Extensions

Unity 2022.3.24f1
Apple ARKit XR Plugin 5.13
AR Foundation 5.13
ARCore Extensions 1.42.0

I want to display multiple objects at multiple locations (latitude and longitude) using ARCore Extensions. When I attached the following code to an empty GameObject and entered the latitude and longitude in Unity’s inspector, multiple objects were displayed at one location (one set of latitude and longitude). Is there a limit to only one display location for AR in ARCore Extensions?
If you know of any, please let us know.

using UnityEngine;
using Google.XR.ARCoreExtensions;
using UnityEngine.XR.ARFoundation;
using UnityEngine.XR.ARSubsystems;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class GeoSetting : MonoBehaviour
    public class GeoData
        public GameObject geospatialAssetPrefab; // Prefabrication of objects to be displayed in AR
        public double latitude; // latitude
        public double longitude; // longitude
        public Quaternion quaternion; // revolution

    public List<GeoData> geoDatas; // Geodata list to be set up in Inspector
    public AREarthManager earthManager;
    public ARAnchorManager anchorManager;

    private Dictionary<GeoData, ARGeospatialAnchor> anchors = new Dictionary<GeoData, ARGeospatialAnchor>();

    void Update()
        if (earthManager.EarthTrackingState == TrackingState.Tracking)
            foreach (GeoData geoData in geoDatas)
                double altitude = earthManager.CameraGeospatialPose.Altitude;
                ARGeospatialAnchor anchor = anchorManager.AddAnchor(

                if (anchor != null && anchor.transform.childCount == 0)
                    Instantiate(geoData.geospatialAssetPrefab, anchor.transform.position, anchor.transform.rotation, anchor.transform);

    private void OnDestroy()
        foreach (var anchor in anchors.Values)
            if (anchor != null)

The attached image shows two text objects with different specified latitudes and longitudes being displayed at the same location.

Supplemental: I’m using the ARCore Geospatial API!!
AddAnchor can only place an AR object at a single latitude and longitude? Please let me know if anyone knows!

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