Cannot exit full screen mode

When building standalone osx game. If click the attached screen’s button to enter full screen mode. The unity player will no longer able to exit full screen mode.

If press cmd+F, to enter or exit full screen mode, is no problem. But if click the green button. It will go crazy.
Cannot back the window mode anymore.

It is a bug!

What exactly does “go crazy” mean here? When you mouse up to the top of the screen, causing the menu and title bar to appear, and click the zoom (green) button again, what happens?

No, after click the (green) button, the title bar will disappear. But, it simply no longer display again. That why it unable to go back.
When using cmd+f or Screen.Fullscreen by code, it will not cause the title bar disappear.
But if by click the green button, it like destroy the title bar.
I think it should be BUG.

No, the title bar (and menu bar) disappearing is what’s the green button does on recent versions of MacOS. Try it with any app — web browser, text editor, whatever. They all do it.

Menu bar and title bar reappear when you push the mouse up to the top of the screen, and then clicking the zoom button again exits full-screen mode.

(Not that I like this behavior; I now always option-click the zoom button to get the old, non-full-screen zoom behavior instead. But maybe that’s just me.)

I know what normal app behavior. The title bar should not be destroy. But Unity generated app has bug, it work not like normal app.

Basically I don’t care this bug, but Apple reviewer reject my app because of this bug!
I need to set “Resizable Window” to False to disable the “Green” Button. And than Apple approve my app.

No one find this problem?

same problem

Same problem, plus it gets this goofy letter boxing sometimes. That’s why I stuck with 5.6 for so long.

I have submitted a bug report today, I encourage everyone else who is experiencing this issue to do the same to let them know of it’s importance.

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What is the url of bug report ?
Thank you.

Hello, the bug appear when the build is set to “allow resizable” and the user click to the green Mac toggle “go to fullscreen”.

Any idea if it will be fixed ? (in 2017.2)

Facing same issue even in the application build in Unity 2018.2.8. Any work around for this?

There is also another bug that prevents the switching back to window. If “Allow Fullscreen Switch” is disabled in your project, you are unable switching to windowed via scripting on MacOS. Issue Tracker:

Yeah this, because Unity builds stilllll remember past app status even when fullscreen allowable changes… :confused:

I found a work-around: Alt+CMD+Escape exits the locked full screen.


I had the same problem what I did to fix it when you are in build settings go to project settings then player then resolution and presentation and change the full-screen mode options.

5700556--595903--Screen Shot 2020-04-11 at 7.30.47 PM.png

what I did I tried making the scene a bit bigger but something happened now the bottom bar is maximized and I cant see the scene, plz help.