Cannot find a way to get the value of a variable from another object script

I’m trying to get a variable from object’s script into another object’s script. I tried anything I could find but none seems to work :\

This is the part of the “selection” object script (cameracontrol)

void OnGUI() {
        GUI.Label (new Rect (20, 20, 100, 30), "Name: " + sel_name);
        GUI.Label (new Rect (20, 40, 100, 70), GameObject.Find(sel_name).ToString());

        if (GUILayout.Button("Click for data"))
            if (sel_name == "Null")
                Debug.Log ("No selection");
                string thingyy = GameObject.Find (sel_name).GetComponent (defaultnpc).npcname;
                Debug.Log (sel_name + " is selected, his name is " + thingyy);

And this is the selected object script (defaultnpc) with the variable

public string npcname;
    public string npcclass;

    void Start () {
        if (npcname == null) npcname = "Pootman";
        if (npcclass == null) npcclass = "Testthing";

Thanks for the help

Nevermind I already found the solution