Cannot find Water Deformation Menu as describes in the documentation HDRP UNITY 6

Hi. I try to make my character swimming. The doc says there is an Deformation Menu Item …
But its not there … it is also describes to check the Deformation Button in the HDRP Settings but there is none? Am I looking at the wrong places?

I would be very happy if there are solutions you can help me with.

The doc seems to be a bit out of date, but you can still attach add water deformer component to an empty gameobject :

But you’ll notice that it is now the same component as a water decal, that handles foam and deformation :

So you can just use the Water Decal.

For it to work properly you need to have water decals enabled in the (default) frame settings :

As well as decals deformation enabled in the water surface component :