I am trying to get Forward Rendering on Android, but I always get Vertex Lit.
I have tried everything. The game is extremely light. What can I do to fix this?
Is there any option which fixes Forward Rendering, instead of VertexLit?
Thanks, bye!
First of all, you should check that your camera is not forced to VertexLit, that you have at least one pixel light enabled in quality settings, and sure, that you have gles2 selected in Player Settings. Also check that your phone do actually support gles2 ;-).
If all this doesnt help, it would help to file a bug with repro, yes 8)
I have checked the camera and is not forced to vertex list because is “Use Player Settings”.
How many has to be the value of “Pixe Light Count”? Default is 0.
And what is gles2. Do you mean Open GL ES 2.0? Then yes, it is selected.
Now I have also tried to set “Pixel Light Count” to 1, but I only get Vertex Lit Rendering.
I think that what cause Vertex Lit quality is that it continues to use Open GL ES 1.x, I have setted to 2.0, but I think, that is the problem
Oke I will do it later.