Cannot get WebcamTexture feed above 30fps on android

My game is using phone front facing camera to track player body movements,
the camera feed is pass to processing logic using Webcam Texture,
The issue is that WT can get 60fps feed on iOS devices with requested fps set to 60, but not on Android ones,
I tried several devices that have 60fps mode on front camera, none of which can go above 30fps. And none of my beta testers is able to get 60fps on their android devices too.

Is there a known solution to this?

If you set requestedFPS manually, the Camera Feed will still use the closest supported FPS.

For example, 10 can be 10, 60 can be 30.

In my tests with Camera Feed on Background, “the most working” constructor to achieve all the needed settings is the next:

new WebCamTexture(deviceName, Screen.width, Screen.height, requestedFPS);