Cannot implicitly convert type `string' to `UnityEngine.Object' and Firebase

I am getting an error on the code in this tutorial

Below is the code section I am having trouble with. I am getting the error on two lines, 26 and 27.

result["uid"] = uid: this gives me the "Cannot implicitly convert type `string' to `UnityEngine.Object'
result["score"] = score: this gives me the "Cannot implicitly convert type `int' to `UnityEngine.Object'
public class FirebaseController : MonoBehaviour {
    public class LeaderBoardEntry : System.Object {
    public string uid;
    public int score = 0;
    public LeaderBoardEntry() {
    public LeaderBoardEntry(string uid, int score) {
        this.uid = uid;
        this.score = score;
    public Dictionary<string, Object> ToDictionary() {
        Dictionary<string, Object> result = new Dictionary<string, Object>();
        result["uid"] = uid; //Line:26
        result["score"] = score; //Line:27
        return result;
    DatabaseReference mDatabaseRef;
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start () {
        // Set up the Editor before calling into the realtime database.
    // Get the root reference location of the database.
    mDatabaseRef = FirebaseDatabase.DefaultInstance.RootReference;
    public void setHighscoreData(int Hscore) {
        string uid = PlayerPrefs.GetString("userName");
        int score = Hscore;
        string key = mDatabaseRef.Child("Scores").Push().Key;
        LeaderBoardEntry entry = new LeaderBoardEntry(uid, score);
        Dictionary<string, Object> entryValues = entry.ToDictionary();
        Dictionary<string, Object> childUpdates = new Dictionary<string, Object>();
        childUpdates["/Scores/" + key] = entryValues;

Please help.

I have never worked with firebase. However i’m 99% sure that your dictionary should be

Dictionary<string, object> or Dictionary<string, System.Object>

instead of

Dictionary<string, Object> which actually is Dictionary<string, UnityEngine.Object>

Keep in mind that the compiler will use classes from the namespaces you are “using”. There is no “Object” class in the global namespace. Since most Unity scripts have a using UnityEngine; at the top, “Object” will refer to UnityEngine.Object.

The C# base class for every type (System.Object) has an alias name in the global namespace: object. Note the lower case “o”. There are several alias names for built-in fundamental types, like string (System.String), int (System.Int32), long (System.Int64), …

God damn I bet that’s what it is. Can’t wait to get home a try it. Thank you x100000