Cannot install apk file on android device

Hi, Since I have upgraded to version 5 I cannot install my .apk on my mobile device I keep getting “parse error - unable to parse file”

I have previously in all other versions had no problems.

I tried making a new project and building it (adding no plugins etc just the standard stuff)

It builds fine but I still get the parse error when trying to install, also tried on my partners phone and get the same error, both from installing from internal phone memory or sd card.

any help appreciated as this has stopped my developing at the moment :frowning:


I also faced this issue with an an.apk file of Alight Motion Pro. Fortunately, I was able to install this editing application on my android device. During installing.apk file, please keep in mind

  1. Install the latest version of any .apk file
  2. Use an upgraded version of your device (Android 6 or up)
  3. Don’t download the file from a website with malware and viruses
  4. Check the requirements of the app ( phone memory, mobile version, etc)

I hope these steps will help you to install .apk file.


Well, I was persisting with the same issue but then I downloaded the Alight Motion from, and it went fine…