In the Unity2018 I can modify the editor font size with the following code:
normalFont = Font.CreateDynamicFontFromOSFont(fontName, fontSize);
eType.GetField("m_StandardFont", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).SetValue(es, normalFont);
EditorStyles.label.font = normalFont;
You can view the full code here.(
Although the modified effect is not very good, it still helpful.
However, the modification effect in the latest version is as follows:
The text on the right side of the image is an enlarged font that is easy to observe.
The text on the left side of the image(control label?) is still very small in editor, although it looks good from the picture.
I have already increased the DPI of the display, I can’t increase it to 200% because it is too big for other applications.
This is very harmful to my eyes, I have to use a lot of eye drops every day.
Do you have other ways to adjust the font?
Thanks a lot.