I am getting the following error after switching from one scene to another in-game in my VR application that uses XR Interaction Toolkit.
Cannot register Ray Interactor (UnityEngine.XR.Interaction.Toolkit.XRRayInteractor) with Interaction Manager before its containing Interaction Group is registered.
UnityEngine.InputSystem.LowLevel.NativeInputRuntime/<>c__DisplayClass7_0:<set_onUpdate>b__0 (UnityEngineInternal.Input.NativeInputUpdateType,UnityEngineInternal.Input.NativeInputEventBuffer)
UnityEngineInternal.Input.NativeInputSystem:NotifyUpdate (UnityEngineInternal.Input.NativeInputUpdateType,intptr)
Does anyone know how to fix it? I haven’t found any information online except from the documentation here, which I did not find that helpful: Architecture | XR Interaction Toolkit | 2.3.2 .
- I use VR controllers to control the app
- I am using SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync to load the scene
- I have XR Origin in DontDestroyOnLoad so it “moves” to the second scene when switching.
- The error appears when I tilt the joystick on the VR controller (to aim the teleportation ray)
- EDIT: I tried to run the appliaction more times and sometimes I can teleport but other interaction button(trigger) stops working, throwing the same error.
- The InteractionManager is assinged in the first scene, and unassigns after the scene-switch (although present in the scene) as can be seen in the following images:
Thank you!
Okay, I read the documentation again, and read the code, too.
This solution seems to work most of the times, and if I find out how to make it work always, I’ll comment again.
I moved the XR Interaction Toolkit from Library/PackageCache to Packages so I could change the implementation.
Then I changed the implementation of function RegisterInteractor(IXRInteractor interactor) to:
public virtual void RegisterInteractor(IXRInteractor interactor)
private IEnumerator WaitTillRegistered(IXRInteractor interactor)
IXRInteractionGroup containingGroup = null;
if (interactor is IXRGroupMember groupMember)
containingGroup = groupMember.containingGroup;
while (containingGroup != null && !IsRegistered(containingGroup))
if (containingGroup is XRInteractionGroup group)
else Debug.LogError("containingGroup is NOT XRInteractionGroup group");
Debug.LogWarning(Time.deltaTime + $"[Interactor] Waiting for registration of Interaction Group of {interactor} so it can be registered with Interaction Manager", this);
yield return null;
if (m_Interactors.Register(interactor))
if (containingGroup != null)
using (m_InteractorRegisteredEventArgs.Get(out var args))
args.manager = this;
args.interactorObject = interactor;
args.containingGroupObject = containingGroup;
And also implemetation of function RegisterInteractionGroup to:
public virtual void RegisterInteractionGroup(IXRInteractionGroup interactionGroup)
private IEnumerator WaitTillGroupRegistered(IXRInteractionGroup interactionGroup)
IXRInteractionGroup containingGroup = null;
if (interactionGroup is IXRGroupMember groupMember)
containingGroup = groupMember.containingGroup;
while (containingGroup != null && !IsRegistered(containingGroup))
if (containingGroup is XRInteractionGroup group)
else Debug.LogError("containingGroup is NOT XRInteractionGroup group");
Debug.LogWarning(Time.deltaTime + $"[Group] Waiting for registration of Interaction Group of {interactionGroup} so it can be registered with Interaction Manager", this);
yield return null;
if (m_InteractionGroups.Register(interactionGroup))
if (containingGroup != null)
using (m_InteractionGroupRegisteredEventArgs.Get(out var args))
args.manager = this;
args.interactionGroupObject = interactionGroup;
args.containingGroupObject = containingGroup;
I found out that when the registration of the group the Interactor is part of doesn’t work and I take off the headset for a longer period of time (so it has to start the screen and connect to the controllers again) it registers. This doesn’t solve the problem though.
Now I added the XRInteractionManager to DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject); in the OnEnable() function. Seems to work in the first build, I will update, if anything goes wrong.