Cannot reopen animation to edit after closing Unity

I created an animation in unity and edited with no problem. I closed Unity after saving everything. Upon reopening, the animation is there and the app works as expected. However, when I open the animation editor, select the game object with the animation, nothing shows in the drop down window except [Create New Clip]. I need to edit the original animation to expand it. What do I need to do to get it to appear in the animation drop down window again?

I had the same problem and I solved it as followed: I deleted all the animations from the animation component of my GameObject. I made sure the animation type was set to ‘Generic’ (in the Debug Inspector, put the Animation Type to 2). And then i just dragged and dropped my animation prefab (you can find that wherever you saved your animation) onto my GameObject. After this the dropdown-list showed my animation and I was able to do some more editing :).