Cannot run project on simulator or development kit

Hi there,

I’m having troubles starting my Unity project in the simulator and developement kit. It seems like there is a window added for my scene but removed instantly or at least very quick.

There is a Unbalanced calls to begin/end appearance transitions for <UnityDefaultViewController: 0x128431230>. log between adding and dismissing the window.

From time to time the project will launch on the device, but only once. After that the app will close itself immediately. Same for the 0.4.3 template project.

Im using Unity 2022.3.11f, Xcode 15.1 Beta and visionOS simulator beta 4.

Any ideas how to fix this? Thanks in advance!

Is there anymore information in the Unity player log?

Unfortunately not. I got a [Platform] Failed to upload NativeTexture: 47229c4e-1c36-4b45-8624-1f3e995b73a5 when starting in Editor however.

I managed to run the project once on the device after building, force quitting the app on the development kit and building again. But I couldn’t find a stable way of running or restarting neither the template project nor my own test project.

Right after the scene disconnected entry in the Xcode console, this is printed every frame:

ObjectDispatcher hasn't collected changes for type PolySpatialSortingGroup for more than 64 frames. The Type tracking will be disabled. Use 'maxDispatchHistoryFramesCount' to increase maximum number of frames of the dispatch history.This might also happen if you forgot to dispose ObjectDispatcher or forgot to disable the Type tracking.

UnloadTime: 2.620250 ms
Type tracking is not enabled in the ObjectDispatcher.
Unity.PolySpatial.Internals.ObjectDispatcherProxy:DispatchTypeChangesAndClear(Type, Action`1)

[./Runtime/Misc/ObjectDispatcher.cpp line 1875967448]

Not sure if this has anything to do with causing the problem or if it’s just reaction to it.

I had this error - something I did enabled the splash screen. Disabling it fixed it for me.

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Oh wow, I just started the app on the simulator first try! I will build the app to the development kit to check if this fixed the problem on the device as well.

EDIT: This resolved the issue on the dev kit as well! Thanks @yezNL for sharing the solution!

SOLUTION: Disable the splash screen in ProjectSettingsPlayerSplashImage

I got the same error, but disabling the splash screen didn’t work.

Re-installing Unity editor fixed the problem in my case.

I had this issue with Unity 2022.3.20f1, PolySpatial 1.1.6

To be more clear about what ‘Disable’ means on the top, I leave the comment.

Not only you need to uncheck ‘Show Splash Screen’, you must not put any image to Virtual Reality Splash Image. It must be None.