Cannot See OBJ Image

I imported an OBJ image. The actual size is 59 foot. So, I told Vuforia that the size was 17.98 meters. Even with this image being as large as it is, I cannot find it on my screen anywhere.

To bring the OBJ in, I “dragged & dropped” it into the viewing screen.

Is this the proper way to bring an Image into the viewing area?

I’ve even tried highlighting the OBJ, then selecting “SHIFT” & “F”.

I tried to bring the OBJ into Blender, to convert it into a FBX, but I could not see my OBJ in Blender, either.

I am using Unity 2017.4.1.

Did you remember to adjust your unit scale so that your model isn’t 100x larger than it should be?

Where do you adjust the unit scale?

I’m still a noob, but I’m enjoying the learning process.

I will sent a snapshot of the x, y & z settings for my image, the image quad & the OBJ file in a while. Hopefully, that will help.

Here is the snapshot of the OBJ file. Even when I zoom way out, I cannot see the OBJ.
I have the OBJ scale set to 0.01.
Whether I set the Image Target scale to 1 or 0.5,

I still cannot see the OBJ file.

Unit scale is in the model import settings. Select your model in the “Project Panel” (where your assets are listed).

Some versions of Unity defaulted to 0.001 for some reason. Just make sure that it’s 1.

I checked the unit scale. It was already set to 1. There is nothing but black in the bottom right. Could this be part of why I am not seeing the OBJ?

Since the model scale is set to 1 in the inspector, what should the scale be set to when you highlight the OBJ in the hierarchy?

Usually the default 1,1,1 would be correct.

The bottom of the import options is where it shows you a preview of waht the model looks like, so since there’s nothing there, it could be a problem with your model.

Have you tried opening the OBJ in a text editor to see if it’s valid? Also, Look at some of the vertices in the file to make sure that they’re not ridiculously large or small.

You are absolutely right.
7272655--878386--Two_Workers-And_Table.png 7272655--878389--Cement_OBJ_NOT_Right.jpg 7272655--878386--Two_Workers-And_Table.png 7272655--878386--Two_Workers-And_Table.png
There is a problem with my model. Actually, the problem is with the conversion to an OBJ. I noticed that, in an earlier project (2 men & an Eductor), my model came in nicely. And, looking at the size of the OBJ, it was almost 11,000 kb. But, with this project, the size is 1 kb. I think once I correctly convert it to an OBJ, it will come in to where I can see it…