Cannot select objects in the scene view

HI, I’m new to unity. I have the pro version of Unity 5, latest version. For some reason I cannot select objects by clicking on them in the scene view. I have to select everything in the hierarchy. This is very annoyiong as it makes the workflow very slow and frankly just soul crushing.

Has anyone had this problem before or have any idea what might be causing this?


So there are a couple of things to try.

1.) For me, I had to create a new layer and put all the items I wanted on that layer. To do this click on your objects and select the layer in the top right and click “add layer…”. Then after creating a new layer select it for that object (s). Now they will be clickable.

2.) If the above doesn’t work for you can try resizing the scene view.

3.) You can close the scene view by right clicking then closing the tab and in the window right click and click add tab and select scene view.

There are different modes to interact with objects in the scene. They are 4 buttons (move, selection, rotation, scale).

Pretty ‘W’ key which will let you select and try clicking on the object in the editor scene.

Keys are ‘Q’, ‘W’, ‘E’, ‘R’ respectively.