Cannot select single item in project tree?

Some weird problem with one unity project…

Cannot select single item in the project window,
if I click 1 item, everything gets selected on mousedown,
and then everything gets de-selected on mouseup…

Happens in both 3.4/3.5… other projects work fine, happens just in this project…

Opening the project shows error in log window:

in 3.4:
Assert in file: …/GUIDPersistentManager.cpp at line:781

screenshot: 1 item is clicked, but all are shown selected

Any insight into this problem? I have similar problem now, I think the problem started when I started using Unity3D 3.5 (the official release, not beta).

  1. When I start the project, there is an error “!didInsert”, it says “/Applications/buildAgent/work/…/Editor/Src/GUIDPersistentManager.cpp at line: 948”
    There is also a warning, it says “Assert in file /Applications/buildAgent/work/…/Editor/Scr/AssetPipeline/AssetDatabase.cpp at line:123”.
    The game still runs despite these warnings, so it’s not breaking the game somehow, but I would like them to go away.

  2. In the Project window, if I select one folder, all folders are selected. So this means if I expand a fold by clicking the triangular button, all the folders are expanded!

Please help if you can.

Just a thought…

Do you guys have any editor extensions installed? If so, might be worth removing those in the first instance, to see if they’re causing issues due to incompatibility with 3.5.

Thanks. I actually have solved both of my problems by doing this: “Assets->Reimport all”