Cannot setup project after go live of Version 1


Since today (as of this morning) we cannot setup a cloud build definition for our project. Our previous builds have disappeared so we tried to setup a new build. When it comes to the analysis of repo step we just get and error that says that the repo cannot be accessed. We added the SSH key to our repo and have not changed anything else on the repo.

We have a cloud pro subscription.

Anyone seen this problem and maybe know how to get past it please?

John Steinberg

Does it work now? Do you still have the project where the builds have been disappeared?

Hi David,

Unfortunately it is still not working. I ended up setting up a new UDN account to setup everything from scratch but I am still waiting for the sales department to move my PRO key to the new account before I can setup anything.

Kind Regards,

Hey John,

that should not be necessary, we had a data migration last week which could have caused the problem, if so it’s important to us to fix that asap as you might not be the only one who is affected. We should be able to get that fixed for your project without you making a new account! Do you mean Unity Support by Sales Department? Could you please let me know the affected project id so we can have a look?

Edit: The problem was solved by the team, for fellow readers who have a similar issues, please contact first so we can sort the problem out for you before registering a new account so we can avoid confusion. :sunglasses: