Cannot snap to any object using "v", even default cubes to each other. Version 6.31

Hello everybody.
It cannot snap to any object using “v”, even default cubes to each other. Version 6.31
I’ve deleted Unity and installed it, reseted hotkeys settings.
Even If I create two default cubes I can grab one using V by the vertex but I cannot snap it to another or any other object in the scene. I tried different versions.
Could you help me, please?

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I learned that this is a bug with using the GPU Resident Drawer. You actually have to disable it if you want the “V” snapping to work.

Go into your settings - open up the Rendering tab in the inspector, find “GPU Resident Drawer” and then disable it.


Wasn’t this fixed in a new update?
I saw it in the changelogs, but not sure if that was in known issues or in fixed

Ah, I’m still running 6000.0.32f1 - and Hrofit is running 6.31, so he is probably running into the same old issue :slight_smile:

Updating will fix it then!

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Thank you a lot. It helped me. Have a good day.