Cannot Subscribe to Unity Event

I have an Animation that triggers the Function LeftReset living inside my Animate class.

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Unity.VisualScripting;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Events;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
using UnityEngine.Serialization;

public class Animate : MonoBehaviour
    private Animator _animator;
    public void initialize(Animator animator)
        _animator = animator;
        print("Event subscribed: " + (OnLeftJabReset != null));

    private void Start()
        OnLeftJabReset += test;

    public void AnimateState(string animVar, float animVal, float animationSpeed)
        float t = Mathf.Clamp01(animationSpeed*Time.deltaTime);
        float newVal = Mathf.Lerp(_animator.GetFloat(animVar), animVal, t);
        _animator.SetFloat(animVar, newVal);
    public void TriggerAnimation(string triggerName)
    public event Action OnLeftJabReset;

    //public UnityEvent onLeftJab;
    void LeftReset(AnimationEvent animationEvent)
        print("Event subscribed: " + (OnLeftJabReset != null));

    void test()

I subscribe to it inside of my PlayerAttack Script here:

public class PlayerAttack : MonoBehaviour
    private InputManager _inputManager;
    private LayerMask _enemyLayermask;
    private Animate _animate;
    public void initialize(InputManager inputManager, LayerMask enemyLayermask, Animate animate)
        _inputManager = inputManager;
        _enemyLayermask = enemyLayermask;
        _animate = animate;
        if (_animate != null)
            animate.OnLeftJabReset += HandleLeftJab;
            print("Subscribed to OnLeftJabReset");
            print("Animate is null in PlayerAttack.initialize");
    public void Attack()

    public void HandleLeftJab()

Both get instantiated in my player like this on Awake:

        _animate = gameObject.AddComponent<Animate>();
        _playerAttack = gameObject.AddComponent<PlayerAttack>();
        _playerAttack.initialize(_inputManager, enemyLayer, _animate);

But I cannot get my HandleLeftJab to register. Any Help is greatly appreciated.

And how do you call LeftReset(AnimationEvent animationEvent)?

Is it assigned to the animation as an event?
It should also be public I believe for animation events to work.