Cannot update :(

Hello I am very excited about 5.1 release but I cannot update because I have a terrible net connection. It took 2 months for Unity 5 to be downloaded.
Is there any way to only get the files which require an update like a patch. I really want to use the new networking system.

yikes that’s a nightmare - can’t someone send you it on a memory card?

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I don’t have a card reader :P. But will manage if anyone so

Two months? wut… :eyes:
USB, CD… just ask someone you know :slight_smile:

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Unfortunately no one I know is interested in Game Dev. It would be so much fun working with them (and using their net connection) :slight_smile:

Is there really no place in your area with a good Internet connection, where you can download something on a USB or other medium?

there are like cyber cafes but as i am only 13 no one would let me go there or take there they think this all development is a fun activity :frowning:

Did you try downloading it via torrent?

Well imo, it is a fun activitiy :slight_smile:

Oh a slow net was so stable to not crash in two months :stuck_out_tongue:
of course I did downloaded it from torrent :slight_smile:

and this is my sad story

I take it back, YOURS is the worst update ever!


Thanks I really needed that title :(. I hope your project is working in 5.1 now :slight_smile:

looks like I need to wait two more months

PM me your address… I 'll make a DVD with a version and send it to you…


should I consider this as a joke?? :stuck_out_tongue:
BTW I live in India so It won’t be that easy :frowning:

Anyway I don’t want to waste someone’s money because my problem so I’ll try to go to a cyber and download it :frowning:

No, @Metron is a great dude who’s offering to help you.


As Graham said: This isn’t a joke… and India isn’t a problem (I’ll put the mail costs into my company costs, so no worries there also :wink: ). PM me and we get this sorted out…


I meant there are really few people who will help people like this (sorry if that sounded rude :frowning: ) and I really do not wanted to waste their precious time and money in helping someone online. It would rather be better I find a way to go to a cyber cafe. Thanks for his help anyway.

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