I have been trying to upgrade to version 1.1 (pre versions) with Unity 2021.1.15f1 but cannot find it in the Package Manager. The only version that shows up is 1.0.2, which is lacking some features I sorely need! I do have “Enable Pre-release Packages” enabled, and am beside myself about why this isn’t showing up.
This is the reason why it doesn’t show up:
Manual installation:
- Open the package manager
- Hit the “+” button
- Select “Install package by name”
- in the name field, write
- in the version field write the desired version e.g.
- all available version numbers are in the drop-down (top-left corner) on the manual page: http://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.inputsystem@1.1/manual/index.html
Input 1.1 is Pre-release, not experimental, so it should have shown on the package manager after you’ve enabled the checkbox in Project Settings → Package Manager.
It does show up for me, but I’m using the 2021.2 beta
Thanks, I was about to try downloading the beta but preferred to stick to released versions of the editor where possible (only using pre-release Input System because it has support now for ‘wasPressedThisFrame’).
@ Thank you for pointing this out to me! I had noticed the “Install package by name” option but had no idea what it was for! Best wishes!