Hi, I’ve run in to a particularly weird issue that only happens when I switch the Unity build to WebGL.
My camera component was not being applied to the game view; whenever I hit run, it just pretends there’s no camera, and just shows an angle from underneath the floor (I think it’s 0,0,0). Problem is, when I searched how to assign the camera to the game view, it shows a tab not only in the game view window, but also something I can select on the camera component itself.
Here’s the game tab in PC build, with the “Display 2” tab I need:
here’s the same tab, but switched platform to WebGL. The drop down button disappears!
A similar thing happens to the camera component itself:
PC build:
WebGL build (Target Display is gone):
I’m assuming there’s something simple that I’m doing wrong out of ignorance. I couldn’t find anything in the Unity manual saying cameras are handled differently.