Cannot use Network Transform Child in unity 2019.1of2

I have upgraded my project from Unity 2018.3.12 to Unity 2019.1.0f2 and i cannot use network transform child. I can locate it in the folder, but cannot drag it onto an object.

Tried to reimport all assets several painful times(it has taken really long time) with the same issue.
It has no icon either and not discoverable anywhere in the add component menu.
Anyone has a clue of what to do apart from jumping back to the old version of Unity

Oh My GOD! Unity devs that is the error worth million words))) 136913-photo-2019-04-23-22-14-31.jpg
The hell is “tranform”?


I have felt like i should elaborate on that answer because it is not obvious and many can come across that. In the HLAPI package which is now downloadable in the package manager NetworkTransformChild script has missing “s” in its name. So to fix that just open package folder in the explorer and add “s” to the name of both the script and the meta file

Every time I open the project it automatically turns back to NetworkTraNFormChild!
Any solution??

Hello @Reaper93 can you please send me the network transform child script because I can’t find it between the network components 149480-list.jpg