I’m trying to use a static var, but unity tells me it’s a Unknown Identifier. My other static var works perfectly, exception this one.
Here where’s the bug
if(other.tag == "Player"){
doorSpawn = goToDoorNum;
gameLevel and doorSpawn are both static var declared here in another script:
//At which door does the character spawn.
static var doorSpawn : int;
//Which game level are we in.
static var gameLevel : int;
But only gameLevel return me an error. Any idea on how to force Unity to compile it correctly?
Script A:
//At which door does the character spawn.
static var doorSpawn : int;
//Which game level are we in.
static var gameLevel : int;
//In which room the character is.
private var charInRoom : int;
//In which room the boss is.
private var bossInRoom : int;
//How many rooms there is.
var roomsQty : int;
private var enemiesInRoom : int[];
function Awake(){
//Resize a native array.
enemiesInRoom = new int[roomsQty+1];
DontDestroyOnLoad (transform.gameObject);
function Update () {
function charRoomUpdate(room : int){
charInRoom = room;
function spawnCharacter(){
var DoorSpawn : GameObject;
Script B:
//The number of the door.
var doorNum : int; = "Door"+doorNum;
//The room number to which the character will go.
var goToRoomNum : int;
//The door number the character should spawn at in the next room.
var goToDoorNum : int;
function OnTriggerEnter(other : Collider){
if(other.tag == "Player"){
doorSpawn = goToDoorNum;
function spawnCharacterDoor(){
SpawnPoint : GameObject;