Using unity 2020.03.9f1 with XR Toolkit 1.0.0-pre.3
I can get XRRayInteractor to work with both XRSimpleInteractable and XRGrabInteractable, but when I am using the XDirectInteractor it only works with XRGrabInteractable. The layers for both the simple interactable and direct interactor are set to everything.
For example, I have a ball in the scene which is using XRGrabInteractable, and OnHoverEntered is triggered for it when I move the controller mesh into it. When I move the controller into the XRSimpleInteractable, OnHoverEntered is not called (tested with a Debug.Log in a custom subclass). I looked into the code for the interactables, interactors, and manager; and I didn’t see anything which would prevent this.
I have a scene set up with the controllers having:
XR Rig
Main Camera
LeftHand Controller
XR Controller
XR Direct Interactor
Sphere Collider
RightHand Controller
XR Controller
XR Direct Interactor
Sphere Collider
LeftHand Ray
XR Controller
XR Ray Interactor
RightHand Ray
XR Controller
XR Ray Interactor
I have a static object in my scene Create_with_VR_Starter_Scene/STATIC/Room_Modern/Room_Modern_Door/Room_Modern_DoorHandle which has both a box collider and XRSimpleInteractable.
I’ve zipped my project and uploaded it here if anyone wants to test it out: 209.58 MB file on MEGA