can'r acess the asset store : SyntaxError: Parse error

that’s the error i get : SyntaxError: Parse error
and here is the url :

no help :frowning:

At which point does this error occur? Does it let you log in but then fail before showing you the content?

after " connecting to the asset store "
here is a screen shot

anyone need more info to figure this out ?

I can not get into the asset either, Get a TypeError: Result of expression ‘this.results[d].keyimage’ [undefined] is not an object.
UnityEditor.DockArea:OnGUI(). I can however get to my purchases and on occasion get to the web version example

It’s been one of those weeks.

i’m getting it also, when i open the asset store it pops a gray message and then after a few seconds it goes away and i can access the store.
it does it each time i open the store.

Me too. Just started today. Yesterday, I was able to get in there fine (May 6th). This morning, I tried accessing Asset Store, and had this error:

Result of expression ‘this.results[d].keyimage’ [undefined] is not an object.

After the error message goes away, I can see the asset store, but none of the links work. I can click on them, but nothing happens. Help!!!

Here’s a screenshot…

at least you guys can access the store but i can’t just a gray background .

update : tried it now and i can access with the same result as you guys .

Yes I have the same result. Getting this on my Mac… Going to try on my PC later to see if it happens there too.

Yea, I get the same error - it pops up and eventually fades away. It looks like you can access the store, but clicking on any of the links does nothing… you’re stuck on the front page.

Edit: Forgot to mention, this is on Windows version, and I get the ‘TypeError’ message.

omg i have to same error i cant access asset store, i need to buy something asap…PLZZZZZZZZZ FIX THISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

yep happens on PC and mac.

also gives error in file :- at line 61 in the unity browser.



I’m getting the same error :expressionless:

me too I can not get to the store and I need to make some purchases. It says I am offline, which I am not offline and I have tried from multiple internet connections.

Was there ever a fix for this problem? I still have this problem on my Mac, but not on my PC!