Can't access enum property of an instantiated prefab.

Before you direct me to:

I could not find what I’m looking for.

And there are others that asked it too:

But, I just don’t understand it well enough due to my own lack of experience (just 2 weeks into C#) to solve my problem.

I decided that, instead of making a whole bunch of different prefabs, I just make one prefab that has a material array property and enum property.

I want to instantiate the prefab, then call a method on the instantiated gameobject to change the enum property and change it’s material.
I can’t seem to figure out how to use GetComponent on the instantiated gameobject to do those two things.

Here is the code attached to the prefab I instantiate.

    public class PowerUpScript : MonoBehaviour {
    	public enum EPowerUpType{Type1,Type2,Type3,Default}

    	// powerUpType is set to Default in the unity inspector, it needs to be changed in the other class.
    	public EPowerUpType powerUpType;
    	// The inspector has 3 materials attached to this array.
    	public Material[] powerUpMaterial;
    	void SetPowerup(int i){
    //		powerUpType = EPowerUpType*;*

_ GetComponent().material = powerUpMaterial*;_
_This wont actually work, I commented out the powerUpType = EPowerUpType line because I have no idea how to specify it. I know enums store data as integers (Typ1=0, Typ2=1) but I can’t seem to set EPowerUpType.i nor EPowerUpType.*_

Here is a snippet of the code that handles instantiating the prefab, which should also change the properties.
* switch(brickType){*

* //…*

* case EBrickType.Chest:*
* GameObject powerup = (GameObject)Instantiate(powerupPrefab, transform.position, transform.rotation);*
* PowerUpScript powerUpScript = powerup.GetComponent();*
* powerUpScript.*
* break;*
* }*
But when I want to call powerUpScript.SetUpgrade(int); I just don’t get the option to do so.
Now I know that the Instantiate function returns a reference to what was just created, but apparently I’m doing something wrong here.
It might be better to just change them to different prefabs, but I’m doing this to learn C# and unity so I might as well see how this way would work.

You should be able to just cast it

powerUpType = (EPowerUpType)i;
GetComponent<Renderer>().material = powerUpMaterial*;*

and reverse
int intValue = (int)EPowerUpType.Type2;
You can’t call void SetPowerup(int i) because it’s not public.
Make it public void SetPowerup(int i)