Can't access Inspector variable in C# Editor script?


I'm trying to create an Editor script that uses a reference to a Material in the Inspector.

In the following code, the variable 'myMat' appears in the Inspector, but I get an error "An object reference is required to access non-static member `TestScript.myMat'" at the end where I am trying to access the variable. If I make myMat static, I no longer get the error, but myMat is not shown in the Inspector.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Collections;

public class TestScript : ScriptableObject 
    public Material myMat;

    class OtherClass 
        public OtherClass (Material mat) 
            Material classMat = mat;
            public MakeStuff(/*Big function that makes stuff with myMat*/); 

    [MenuItem ("GameObject/TestScript")]
    static void MenuTestScript()
        OtherClass newClass = new OtherClass(myMat);


Is there a way to satisfy both? Thanks.

A little more background on what you're specifically trying to do would be helpful.

Are scriptable wizards out of the question for your needs? If you want an editor script to "do something" with a material, you can do that pretty easily.

AFAIK, static variables are simply not serializeable. You will need to actually create a TestScript object instance in order to get hold of that value.


static void MenuTestScript()
    TestScript test = new TestScript();
    OtherClass newClass = new OtherClass(test.myMat)

(Of course you may need to refactor your classes if you already use a TestScript instance for other purposes).