I'm trying to create an Editor script that uses a reference to a Material in the Inspector.
In the following code, the variable 'myMat' appears in the Inspector, but I get an error "An object reference is required to access non-static member `TestScript.myMat'" at the end where I am trying to access the variable. If I make myMat static, I no longer get the error, but myMat is not shown in the Inspector.
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Collections;
public class TestScript : ScriptableObject
public Material myMat;
class OtherClass
public OtherClass (Material mat)
Material classMat = mat;
public MakeStuff(/*Big function that makes stuff with myMat*/);
[MenuItem ("GameObject/TestScript")]
static void MenuTestScript()
OtherClass newClass = new OtherClass(myMat);
Is there a way to satisfy both? Thanks.