Can't achieve framerate independent movement


I can’t get my movement to be framerate independent.
Here’s the code I using inside Update:

void Update ()
       if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape))

        if (Input.anyKey)
                velx ++;
            velx *= drag;

        velx = Mathf.Clamp(velx, -max_velx, max_velx);

        Vector3 delta = new Vector3(velx * Time.deltaTime, 0, 0);

When I change the quality of the graphics in the game… the player speed changes considirably.
I can’t see where the problem might come from, since I’m scaling the velocity by the time spent on the frame.

yes, but velx gets changed by constants and not by deltaTimed values. velx++ and velx *= drag are called as often as Update is ran.