Can't add a GUI in C#??

OK I am a noob with GUIs in C# (mostly C# in general) and I’m trying to add an “about” page to my game. I have GUILayout.label for my button, but I can’t add another one for the actual text for the about page. I want to get it to where I can show the text from a txt file (I know about text assets) and that’s not the problem. The problem is that I can’t add the new GUI that shows the information after I click the about button. Here’s my code:

void OnGUI() {

if (isLocked == false) {

					GUILayout.BeginArea (new Rect (0, 0, Screen.width, Screen.height));
					GUILayout.BeginHorizontal ();
					GUILayout.FlexibleSpace ();
					GUILayout.BeginVertical ();
					GUILayout.FlexibleSpace (); = buttonSkinThing;
					if (GUILayout.Button ("About", "label")) {

[Whatever GUIText here to show text from file/about page]

							Time.timeScale = 1;
							Debug.Log ("Resume Game");

					if (GUILayout.Button ("Exit", "label")) {
							Debug.Log ("Exit Game");		
					GUILayout.FlexibleSpace ();
					GUILayout.EndHorizontal ();
					GUILayout.FlexibleSpace ();
					GUILayout.EndVertical ();
					GUILayout.EndArea ();
			} else {
		Debug.Log ("CRAP");		

I know that some of it is junk like the flexible spaces and the endhorizontals, but all I need is for it to have a button that I can click that says “about”. WHen I click that, I want it to go away and show another GUI with the text in a txt file. Anyone know why I’m messing this up?

OnGui() is called constantly, so to change the GUIs displayed you will have to set up what is known as a state machine. This will allow you to display different GUIs based off of the current state of your application. Below is a simplified example of what you would probably want to implement.

enum CurrentState = State.MainMenu;

enum State {
    MainMenu = 0,
    About = 1,
    Gameplay = 2

void OnGUI() {
	if(CurrentState == State.MainMenu;) {
		// All your other main menu GUIs
		if (GUILayout.Button ("About", "label")) {
			Debug.Log ("About State");
			CurrentState = State.About;
	else if(CurrentState == State.About){
		// Show the about screen
		if (GUILayout.Button ("Exit", "label")) {
			Debug.Log ("Returning to menu");
			CurrentState = State.MainMenu;
	else if(CurrentState == State.Gameplay){
		// Show ingame GUIs

A cleaner version would be to use a case statement instead of a bunch of if else statements.

enum CurrentState = State.MainMenu;

enum State {
    MainMenu = 0,
    About = 1,
    Gameplay = 2

void OnGUI() {
		case State.MainMenu:
		case State.About:
            Debug.Log("NO CURRENT STATE");

void MainMenuGUI() {
	// Main menu GUI code here

void AboutGUI() {
	// About menu GUI code here