Cant add my scripts to Scripts execution order

After installing a package of models from the unity asset store all packages in package manager were deleted and now i cant add my scripts in the Scripts execution order, when click + button to add the scripts show me scripts from A to P and in Pathfinding script stops and doesnt show me more. I use 2018.3 and dont have any error in console

Hello @NewMagic-Studio ,

Do you know if the package of models that you got from the asset store is changing the Scripts Execution Order?

Have you checked if you have a similar issue if you install the same package of models on a new project?

No, i dont see any script in the package and in other project Script execution order works fine. I have also used Reset button in Script execution order before though game worked well anyways but after installing the models all packages in the package manager were uninstalled and i realized Script execution order didnt work either. I used reset in the new project but doesnt make Script execution order fail

If i want to add for instance any script that starts by “V” like Valve gives me a sound and doesnt do anything, for some reason doesnt give any script beyond Pathfinding, my script is named PlayerManagement and doesnt appear

Got to add my script with MonoImporter.SetExecutionOrder(MonoScript.FromMonoBehaviour(this), 20000); but doesnt work doing with the Script execution order window

Have you tried to close your project, delete the Library and Temp folders, and open your project again?

Be prepared to re-import things twice if you’re on android. Once no matter what (cause it will make it standalone / pc) and then again after its done importing, and you manually import it to selected platform… If you have any errors during this process its cause you’re not on the right platform perhaps.

This also did nothing at all for me, except waste my time… Thanks anyway.