Can't add variable to text UI

I have an int var that stores the number of times the player has died while trying to defeat a boss - it needs to be presented at the end of the fight using text ui but I’m getting these errors: ‘Text’ does not contain a definition for ‘text’ and no accessible extension method ‘text’ accepting a first argument of type ‘Text’ could be found

public Text deathText;
public GameObject boss;

void Update()
     if (!boss.activeInHierarchy)
         deathText.text = PlayerController.deaths.ToString();
         deathText.text = "Deaths: " + PlayerController.deaths;

This code resides in my gamemanager script (which, yes, is using UnityEngine.UI) and the variable ‘deaths’ is static which comes from a different script. Another weird thing is that I can’t assign the text in the inspector to the deathText variable, it just stays as “None (Text)”. Just in case the problem was because of the fact that I’m using a variable from a different script, I tried it with a variable from this script and I got the exact same errors.
Any and all feedback/help is appreciated :slight_smile:

Where is deathText set to an instance of Text? That has to be done before you can set the text deathText.text property value.

Something else to consider is that Text is really better implemented as TextMeshPro (TMPro) for better features than the older Text class, including better font rendering and the options you can set for it. I never use plain Text anymore.