Can't assign to NetworkVariable array

I’m trying to create a network array, but I can’t assign values.

I’ve tried it two ways…
public NetworkVariable commonCard = new NetworkVariable();
public NetworkList[ ] commonDeck = new NetworkList[99];

… but when I try to move values …
commonCards = i;
commonDeck = i;
… both get the error “Cannot implicitly convert type to Unity.Netcode.NetworkVariable” (or …NetworkList). Assigning a constant gets the same error.
This must be simple, but I don’t know what to do, and searching Unity documentation generates a lot of “Page Not Found”
What is the fix for this?
Thanks for anything that anyone can tell me

Use NetworkList and use it as you would do a List, .Add, .Count, etc. It has a lot of List’s functionality.

I know this is a bit late, but you need to use…


…instead of just the variable name.