I am new to Unity3D but took some tutorials for PC development and I tried to switch platform to Android to test if the app even opens on my Samsung Galaxy S4 but when I went to Build and Run Unity3D tells me that the device is not found (connected by USB, debugged) and when I try to Build only the following error occurs :
Error building Player: Win32Exception: ApplicationName=‘C:/Users/betam_000/Desktop/adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20140624/sdk\tools\zipalign.exe’, CommandLine=‘4 “C:\Users\betam_000\Desktop\MakeAGame\Temp/StagingArea/Package_unaligned.apk” “C:\Users\betam_000\Desktop\MakeAGame\Temp/StagingArea/Package.apk”’, CurrentDirectory=‘Temp/StagingArea’
Hope to hear from anyone as soon as possible. Thanks in advance.
FIXED aleluyah!!!
here is the file, there one in each version folder, i used this one.
I had to get the android sdk manager to download a new set of the build tools (20.0) as there wasn’t a zipalign anywhere in the sdk folders, then moving as suggested worked fine.
I just did a fresh install of 4.5.1 on a new computer and added the JDK and Android SDK. I needed to do this in order to get it to build an apk. Thanks guys!
extract the file and copy the files inside Resources to
C:\Development Tools\adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20140624\sdk\tools
or wherever you put yout adt-bundle
It happened because google had moved zipalign.exe from tools folder to build-tools folder. Just copy zipalign.exe to “tools” folder and everything should work!
on Mac there’s no zipalign.exe file. I updated Unity to 4.5.2 but I still had the problem afterwords. What I did then is to re-download Android SDK form the website and override the sdk folders, then it worked so the automatic update of Android was messing up something at least on Mac.