Can't build due to NOT FOUND "\Unprocessed\Assembly-CSharp.dll"

Could anyone help me to solve the build error?

PROBLEM: Can’t build Unity C# Projects due to the following error.


  • Without checking “Unity C# Projects”, project can be built as expected.

  • Initially I got these two build errors after checking “Unity C# Projects” build option:

  • The command “”<VS_PROJECT_PATH>\Unity\Tools\SerializationWeaver\SerializationWeaver.exe" “<UNITY_PROJECT_PATH>\UWP\Assembly-CSharp\obj\x86\Debug\x86\Debug\Assembly-CSharp.dll” -pdb -verbose -unity-engine=“<VS_PROJECT_PATH><APP_NAME>\Unprocessed\UnityEngine.dll” “<VS_PROJECT_PATH>\UWP\Assembly-CSharp\obj\x86\Debug\x86\Debug”" exited with code 1.

  • Could not copy the file “<UNITY_PROJECT_PATH>\UWP\Assembly-CSharp\bin\x86\Debug\Unprocessed\Assembly-CSharp.dll” because it was not found.

  • I solved the first error by building manually Assembly-CSharp-firstpass first, then Assembly-CSharp referring to Windows 10 Store (WSA UWP) Xbox Live Achievements - Unity Engine - Unity Discussions

  • The second error couldn’t be solved even though I updated Unity referring to Unity Issue Tracker - [WSA] Cannot deploy project with C# projects if scripts are located in &quot;Resources&quot; folder

Unity 5.3.5f1
Visual Studio 2005 (14.0.25123.00 Update 2)
Windows 10 x64

Is it possible that you first built with C# projects option selected then without ?

Could you try building to empty folder and see if that works? It may be possible Unity didn’t overwrite something…


Yes I did. Actually I tried with C# projects first, hit the problem, then tried without.

I guess you suspect C# project build files and non-C# build files made some conflict. I’m sure that’s not the case because I built them separate folders respectively.