Can't build for Android on Fedora 22 64bit. Can't open temp file

I am trying to build for Android, but Unity says it fails to open a file in the Temp directory, forcing me to close Unity. Please see the screenshot here: Imgur: The magic of the Internet
Please note that I can build for Android from Windows 10, so it shouldn’t be a problem with the game.

Also note that I am running Unity as root, and haven’t modified any file permissions.

We don’t recommend doing that. (Future versions will actually warn at startup.)

I can’t tell from your screenshot - is this during player build, or during asset reïmport when switching platforms?
Can you send an editor log from a session where this occurs?
Finally, have you checked the obvious things like disk space, etc.?

This was because I had originally installed Unity to /usr/local, which is owned by root. Changing ownership of the Unity directory to my user caused it to fail to launch, saying something about a chrome server or something needing to be owned by root.
Reinstalling to my user directory fixed my problem.
Thank you.