Can't build in xcode project

Hi there!

I using Unity 2022.3.25f to working on my old project
But this time it can’t build in xCode!

it show me this error about NSObject or something…

I haven’t use any plugin or changing any code
I just working with Graphics,

But why it show me this error?
and it also not always happened, just sometime,
I have to keep repeat it again and agin until it can works

and sometime I have to add version +1 than just + a build number
as normally… so it finally works,

But why?

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So, try to “reset” project:

  • Close Xcode and Unity
  • Update iOS (it will lead to downloading new Debug Symbols later when connecting phone to Xcode in “/Users/{username}/Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS DeviceSupport”)
  • Delete Debug Symbols for previous iOS version after completing downloading for the new one > the whole folder called “iPhone…{ios_version}…”
  • Delete Unity iOS build folder
  • Delete Unity Library folder
  • Delete appropriate project in “/Users/{username}/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData”
  • Open Unity and Build and Run for iOS again
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