Can't build Mac OS X target on Linux (Ubuntu 18.04)

I downloaded new Hub for Linux. I downloaded 2018.3.10b and added Mac OS X support. But I can’t build with this target. Building with script also throws the error. Same thing with 2019.1.0a9.


Script building output

Preloading 1 native plugins for Editor in 0.07 ms.
Error building player because build target was unsupported

(Filename: Line: -1)


Editor log attached.

3911725–333379–Editor.log.txt (642 KB)

I think you’re seeing Unity Issue Tracker - [Linux] Mac Support is only pseudo-installed through Hub for Linux Editor - we’re on it!
(You may be able to work around locally by going into your editor installation directory and making sure that your MacStandaloneSupport directory is next to the Windows and Linux ones in Editor/Data/PlaybackEngines)

Look at contents of modules.json in Unity installation directory. A module with id “mac-mono” has wrong “destination” value: “{UNITY_PATH}”. Proper value is “{UNITY_PATH}/Editor/Data/PlaybackEngines/MacStandaloneSupport”.

You should to fix “destination”, and set “selected” to false to have ability to reinstall MacBuildSupport in proper way.


Thank you that helps me to install. I also needs to reboot my machine after modules.json changes.

i am using Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and unity 2018.3.0f2. unable to find any file named module.josn. Can you show exact pathe of module.josn file

It’s in the folder where you installed Unity, or if you used Unity Hub, ~/Unity/Hub/Editor/{version}, where ~ is your home directory and {version} is the version of Unity you installed.

You can just kill the Unity Hub process.

btw why this issue is still not fixed?

This just worked for me today, so it seems it’s still an issue.
Had to restart hub after making the change in modules.json then install mac support within hub.