Hello everyone!
Well my problem is this: I usually code in .net at work using C# and develop some apps that use database connection using ado.net. I’m currently using a windows-build making a database connection using the same approach here in unity and I’ve made it work so far (I’ve placed the 2 ddls I need (system.data and system.enterpriseservices) in the asset folder). Whenever I hit the play button everything works correctly… BUT THE REAL PROBLEM STARTS NOW:
Whenever I build the project I get this error messages:
ArgumentException: The Assembly
System.Configuration is referenced by
System.Data. But the dll is not
allowed to be included or could not be
found.Error building Player: Extracting
referenced dlls failed.
I tried restarting due to possively locked dlls or whatever but it didn’t work =(. Also, I tried putting in the asset folder the system.configuration dll and it didn’t work either =(.
Sooo… yeah, I googled and searched here for a while and supposedly there’s a workaround for this: edit-> project settings → player → change api compatibility level to .net 2.0
Which IS actually a workaround in terms of making the project BUILD. I mean: whenever I do this I can build the project successfully (after I restart unity of course), BUT the connection with the database doesn’t work: it gives me this error message whenever it tries to open the connection:
SecurityException: Couldn’t
impersonate token.
I am completely baffled at why there’s any windows impersonation happening here. Has anyone successfully made a unity build using the System.Data dll? Should I use the mono’s system.data or the microsoft.net system.data? Has anyone make it work using linq? I don’t really know linq but I could learn it if no one can make this work.
Oh, and I don’t wanna use a web script to handle my database using a WWW class, because this is just a presentation project and I don’t really care if I’m gonna get hacked cause it’ll be on an intranet.
Thanks a ton everyone!!