Can't buy assets

Two days ago I bought asset and all was ok. Now I can’t do it, I tried use two cards Visa Electron which I use for usual purchases and which working everywhere. Today I bought milk with one of this f. e.)) Something wrong with my account? why I did not receive a message that explains the reason? It’s not good, especially these problems fall to deadline of your project((( Support don’t answer for my mail. What i’ve saw on purchase page “We’re sorry, we could not process your card at this time. Please double check your billing details, try a new credit card, or contact your bank”

I’ve tried to use another empty account. Issue the same…what happening in this world?


Same problem here…

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I wonder if Unity changed companies for processing payments recently?

There have been a few other recent threads on the same topic.

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I’ve decided problem now, when connected visa to paypal. First I had to call to my bank, and they answered that problem wasn’t in card. The only bad thing that tech support eliminated from the solution of this issue…

The same thing here. What happened to the store?

I had the same issue yesterday with Discover card. The unity asset store said the payment failed.
But my credit card was charged $1.00 from WorldPay. I called Discover and they said they approved the transaction, but the Unity store determined it was declined, so I don’t know what the issue is.
The strange thing is Discover notified me that the merchant was located outside of the US, and they thought it was suspicious transaction.


I then switched to use my Chase Card, and everything was fine, the payment went through.


Well, my CC info got hacked, and was closed. I received the replacement card, but lo and behold, I couldn’t update it, so I wrote to … 2 MONTHS ago. Twice. Still no word, so i’m wondering if anybody else is having these long queues as well?

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Same for me =(
“We’re sorry, we could not process your card at this time. Please double check your billing details, try a new credit card, or contact your bank”
Checked my card in bank and on Steam - works perfect =))

I have this: “We’re sorry, we could not process your card at this time. Please double check your billing details, try a new credit card, or contact your bank”
My bank says they have not requests from the store. And my card is ok.

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Sorry about this, we have escalated the issue to the teams that are working on a fix. For now, using PayPal is the best solution.

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Paypal also got rejected, despite it working fine for everything else.

I think if the CC got rejected, it blocks the Paypal option too for some odd reason.
Anyone else having this problem, or does Paypal work for you, despite CC not working?



Same problem here, both PayPal and Credit Cards do not work. I cant even find a place to change which credit card I want to use, all it lets me do is enter an address.

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I have the same difficulties with payment: “The system failed to process your card at this time. Please double check your billing details, try a new credit card, or contact your bank”. My last payment on April 21 was successful. Unfortunately because of this problem, I could not buy one asset on the 24-hour sale :frowning:

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I’m having problems as well. If I make more than a handful of transactions, the Unity Store blocks me. I called my card company and they’ve indicated that they aren’t blocking the transactions. Somehow, the Unity Store API screws it up. Pretty damn annoying. It’s happened with two cards so far.

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I’m having this problem again too. It has been fixed for a short time for me - I was even able to successfully make a purchase in the first half of May. But now it repeats again.

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Still problems here as well. Oddly, I tried two times back to back the other day, separated by about one minute, and the second time it worked.

I may open a PayPal account to see if it makes the international transaction easier (presuming the Asset Store support PayPal). I do hate PayPal quite a bit, but… deals with the devil and all that…

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@SaraCecilia could you look into this again? I’m worried that this may be a more pervasive problem that may be affecting publisher revenues as well.

Not working for me today 7/1/2016 not everyone uses paypal need a fix on this asap

It happened to me too on 7/2/2016. It’s really annoying. I can’t buy the assets I want.